So Ireland has been getting some severe snow this past few days. Maybe not severe for some countries but quite severe for Ireland. The whole country has almost come to a complete close! It has however meant that I can work on my longarm quilting and my piecing. I had some lovely left over polka dot fabric scraps that I had used for bindings so I wanted a project that I could use them up. I knew a string quilt was the perfect option. String quilts sound basic and look basic enough to do, however there are so many seams involved in them that they are actually a lot more time consuming than I had first thought. This small little 24 x 24 inch quilt took twice as long as I had first thought and the mess it left afterwards was way worse than I had expected also. That said I did enjoy the process and I think I might make one again but only when I have a lot of suitable fabrics stashed up over a looooong period of time lol